Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Should students be allowed to skip senior year of high school

 Berwo mberwa photo essay  
Student who is searching for colleges.

    Student who is working. 
    Student who is driving. 

    Student's locker
    High school hallways 

    Senior study skill quad.

    Student getting help in order to pass the class.
Seniors science project

    High school lunchroom.

   Senior outside space to eat and chill. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Do People Complain Too Much?

Ariana Hernandez 
January 22, 2015


"We are born crying, live complaining and die disappointed." - Thomas Fuller
He barely started his day and he is already complaining because he claims it is too early. He needs to stop complaining and get ready for school.

The average person has 48,000 negative thoughts per day. He is probably on his 10,000th negative thought because he simply can't  find something to wear.

Complaints allow a speaker to get something off their chest. He is now beeping at everyone because traffic is moving very slow. As he beeps at every car, he is also using inappropriate vocabulary.

Keep calm and stop complaining about the weather. However, he can't keep calm, he hates this weather! That ruined his day.
Complaining can lead to anger, depression, and rumination. After school, he is now swamped with tons of homework. He is too busy complaining instead of starting his homework and getting it done.

Thirty minutes of negativity kills brain neurons that helps a person think and problem solve. Brain neurons decrease rapidly if a person is constantly complaining.

Complaining can build motivation, but it keeps the focus on the problem rather than on potential solutions. He is complaining about this bad stock instead of selling the stock for a small sum of money and purchasing a stock that will grow and increase.

As he read the newspaper, he came across an editorial that caused him to continue complaining about his day. Throughout time, negativity becomes normal and he no longer is optimistic. Unless, he calls an end to all negativity and complaining.

"Be grateful for what you have and stop complaining - it bores everybody else, does you no good, and doesn't solve any problems."- Zig Ziglar
One of his good buddies cancelled on their dinner plans tonight. He becomes furious because his buddy did not give him an explanation on why he cancelled dinner plans. He is now all alone.

Another day passes, and complaining increases just by the day. Prepare for another day of negativity tomorrow!

Teen pregnancy

Three in ten girls in the U.S will get pregnant altest once before the age of 20. 

Teen sources that teen girls usually have babies because they think it will make their boyfriends stay.
Teen pregnancy. Org also source eight  out of ten fathers don't marry the mother of their child.

You can prevent teen pregnancy by not having sex.
Getting check up yearly and talking to a doctor about birth control plans can help prevent teen pregnancy.
Having a sex plan is good contraceptions like birth control pills prevent teen pregnancy.
Condoms help prevent teen pregnancy and stds.
Teenage girls don't realize the problems that can occur by getting pregnant at a young age.
Some problems that can occur are less likely to finish high school. 
Also, more likely to be poor as adults.

Can money buy happiness?

Buy moment not stuff

Buy what you like 

Time is money buy experience 

Spend on others 

Money is the opportunity to buy happiness 

Money doesn't buy happiness, it bring it.

Money can't buy love

limited of time 

Everyone can buy happiness.

Money can't buy happiness  it self 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Can dogs help with stress, depression and anxiety?

Your dog can offer you great companionship. When depression hits, you begin to pull away from friends and family but, when you're with your pet, you're never left alone in the dark.

Depression is a hard problem to handle, especially when it starts to make you feel careless and indifferent. Having someone to look after, can give a sense of responsibility and helps give a positive focus to your life. 

Anxiety rises and reaches its peak when you're around big crowds. You start feeling judged, threatened, unwanted and uncomfortable. Having a pet around reduces those levels of anxiety and makes you feel like you can breathe in your environment. Pets also serve a focus to avoid overthinking and leading to a panick attack causing you to lose breath and feel extremely dizzy. 

Whenever you're nervous, you begin to develop the need to take a hold of something that you can emit all your energy to. A pet is a great way to relieve the anxiety and fulfills your need to touch. Their soft coats of fur will provide good help. 

Researchers have found that people who claimed to have pets in both 1996 and 2001, were the people who had the least doctor visits. Pets relieve the symptoms of depression and thoughts of suicide because they make you feel happier and less likely to think like a pessimist. 

Another great benefit of having a pet is all the exercise they make you do. Depression and anxiety refrain you from leaving the house or coming in contact with anything outside of your bubble. Having a dog is a big help as they are playful and love to be active. You can also benefit from this as you are the one who had to take them out for a walk and play with them. 

Pets always offer unconditional love that is uncomplicated. The best difference between having your best friend be a dog or your best friend be a human is that, no matter what you do or say, your pet won't judge you and you will always receive love from them. 

Jobs can give you money, friends and success but at the end of the day the price you're paying is stress. Having a pet to come home to can relieve stress levels caused by your job. They take your mind off of the things bothering you or stressing you out. 

When you stress out, you can have the tendency to drink, thinking it's the only way to relieve your stress. This may be true but, it will only relieve your stress for a while and the ending results can cause great headaches. A pet is the better alternative. It will keep you stress free for the rest of the night and improve your mood, and control your blood pressure. 

Dogs can offer all these things and more. However, the most important thing is, that they are your companions and will stick with you no matter what you say or do.